~Helping More Wisconsin Animals~

Freedom Paws United

We are a not for profit volunteer group  of animal advocates in Wisconsin. We do not have a 501(c)3 "non-profit" status. Our founder/directer uses her own money/time to put into this wonderful group/organization. If we do get in, kind donations, they go to Rescue Organizations, Rescue Events and/or to support our Freedom Paws United efforts. You would get proof of how your donation helped a Rescue Organization or Freedom Paws United. 
Your help will help animals!

We are looking to inform others about animal cruelty. From not spaying/neutering your pets to puppy mills and back yard breeders. Much more fun things to learn as days go by!  How much your help is for that one animal, really helps more!  We also help out Wisconsin animal rescues with events, donations, and more! Please contact and speak with us! We'd be glad to hear from you and help with anything we can! 

Our mission is to educate others on Wisconsin puppy mills, spay/neuter pets, help give pets a good quality of life, help Wi animal rescues with events, donations, volunteers and more! We are here to help you and your animals!

Please Note: We are not a Rescue and do not have a facility. We are volunteers who are looking to educate others on animal subjects such as puppy mills, over population, animal cruelty etc. We do not take in animals but we may help find someone/facility who would be willing to help you.

 All animal lovers welcome!
If you have an organization that you'd like to be listed, Please email us and let us know! We would be glad to talk with you and help you with any questions you may have.       


Thank you for looking into Freedom Paws United and our mission!

~Freedom Paws United~

Copyright ©2010 Freedom Paws United